Our Story

About Our Founders
JJ and Vanessa Smith are the proud parents to two little boys, Jayden and Kylan. When Kylan was 2 years old, he was diagnosed with Level 3 Autism. Keeping up with the latest research, the Smiths placed Kylan in several methods of therapies. Although Kylan made progress, the Smiths felt Kylan had untapped potential for improvement and sought out additional options. Through the years, God has led the Smiths on a journey of Faith, Hope. and Love. It was God who placed Jacob's Ladder Neurodevelopmental School & Therapy Center in their path. Jacob's Ladder is a flagship organization serving as an accredited school, research, and training center for individuals with neurobiological challenges in Roswell, GA, which serves as the physical campus and location for carrying out the science of the Interpersonal Whole-Brain Model of Care™ (IWBMC) in an environment of hope, truth, and love. Over the last three decades, Jacob's Ladder has brought hope to over 4,000 individuals, their families, and caregivers while radically changing what is possible in treating those with neurobiological differences. After meeting with the team at Jacob's Ladder and learning about their unique care model, the Smiths endeavored to bring that knowledge and love to their community in a Christian environment.
Core Values
At Jeremiah's Promise, we hold fast to what the psalmist says: “Children are a heritage of the Lord” (Psalm 127:3). As parents ourselves, it is our responsibility to love our children, to cherish them, to teach them, and to strengthen them. But having children with special needs can be incredibly challenging, and it is only through God's gifts of Faith, Hope, and Love that we can succeed. Those three pillars are the foundation for all we do here at Jeremiah's Promise.
We firmly believe that every child deserves to feel loved and accepted and that with the right approach, every child can flourish and thrive.

We trust that God rules over all we do at Jeremiah's Promise and that it is His sovereign will that each child we serve be empowered to succeed.

We welcome every child as our own, showing them unconditional kindness and respect as we cultivate an environment of caring, understanding, and acceptance.

Why Jeremiah's Promise
Our family, just like many families with special needs loved ones, believes breakthroughs are possible given the appropriate level of care in a unique and loving environment. Perhaps your family, just as our family, has struggled with “traditional” instruction in a “traditional” classroom environment. At Jeremiah’s Promise, we are fully trained and certified in the Interpersonal Whole-Brain Model of Care™ (IWBMC) developed by Amy O’Dell, Founder of Jacob’s Ladder, and her team of professionals. We also utilize the AHAVA digital platform, which provides access to the science of the Interpersonal Whole-Brain Model of Care™. By utilizing the AHAVA digital platform, we have access to a comprehensive platform to evaluate students, design individualized programs, and implement therapeutic interventions. AHAVA houses hundreds of assessment metrics and thousands of corresponding interventions to create a path and plan for individuals with unique needs. Utilizing that information, we capitalize on those strengths to enable progress in their development in a safe and positive environment.

Join Us
Would you like to join our staff of loving teachers and creative professionals? We are seeking qualified candidates for full-time positions to help Jeremiah's Promise as we strive to serve the children of The Golden Isles. To be considered for employment, submit the following form, and you will be contacted by a member of our team.